How to write and pronounce Curaçao:
The word Curacao has a cedilla in the "second c": ç
Most modern keyboards do not have a ç-key, but enthusiastic webmasters and webdesigners
can use the HTML language of a website to code the text as Curaçao to alleviate
that problem. Cool huh? Now, for some people it may seem like a tongue twister, but it is
actually quite easy to pronounce Curacao if you knew how, so here goes:
using modern "American" English:
cu = like "to", with the sound of a "K" instead of the "T";
ra = is like "rah" or "ma" using the "R" instead of
"M" (ma is short for mother)
ç = like the letter "s"
ao = is how you pronounce "ou" in "about"
there ya go, this was your first word of the native language Papiamentu, that is, if you
are not a native of Curaçao, nor of the other 4 islands of the Dutch Antilles in the
southern (Bonaire) and northern (St.Maarten, St. Eustatius, Saba) caribbean.
Sunny greetings from,
The Nanzi Crew & The Green
Team of EF !! Curaçao